We are advancing Artificial Intelligence like nothing before it. Bringing to bear our creative powers, a dash of patience, and a commitment to civilized collaboration, we can ride with it into a great new world, carrying what we love along with us.
Resume highlights
- MIRI. From 2018 to 2021, I helped run MIRI, the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, which is roughly the original AI Safety organization. I'm still on the board.
- Recursion. In 2013 I co-founded Recursion Pharmaceuticals and until 2018 was CTO. Recursion is a tech-bio startup which I think does the most cellular biology experiments in the world by far, and uses AI to interpret and learn from those experiments, and which IPO'ed in 2021. I'm still on the board. We have partnerships with Roche and Nvidia.
- PhD. I earned a PhD in molecular biology starting in 2011, applying machine learning to huge proteomics experiments, in the Marcotte Lab at UT Austin. I co-first-authored a Nature paper.
- BuildASign. In 2005 I co-founded and led engineering, then online marketing, at BuildASign.com. Starting from <$10k and a bunch of sweat invested by the co-founders, we hit more than $50M in annual revenue before our first outside investment, and we were eventually bought by VistaPrint, the leader in online printing.
I devote much of my money and time to funding, advising, and helping create altruistic groups and organizations. Jerry and Chelsea Sun run GoodForever, which houses my investments and my philanthropic foundation. GoodForever Foundation employs a number of researchers and supports individuals and organizations working on AI Safety and civilizational development.
I have been the first lead investor and an important early advisor for many startups. A few:
- Alvea. Fastest company ever from founding to first-in-human trials
- Leash. ML + the most biochemical drug-protein interactions
- Not-yet-launched: AI + collective psychological development to cultivate better online discussions
Contact me
You're very welcome to email me at "hello", then @, then my domain, blakeb.org.